Diverse, anden bog
Diverse, anden bog
Helt nye bøger sælges - ikke anvendt. Ved køb af flere gives mængderabat (se evt. øvrige annoncer)
Nypris 100-599DKK. Nu 49-99DKK.
1. Six Thinking Hats / Edvard the Bono
2. The Emotional Brain / Joseph Ledoux
3. Start with Why – How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action / Simon Sinek (SOLGT)
4. The Sleep Revolution – Transforming your Life one Night at a Time / Arianna Huffington
5. Én Liv Én Tid Èt Menneske .- Hvordan vi glemte at leve et meningsfuldt liv / Morten Albæk (solgt)
6. As One – Individual Action Collective Power / Mehrdad Baghai; James Qiogley
7. Game-Changing Strategies - How to create new Market Space in Established Industries y Breaking the Rules / Constantinos C Markides
8. The Power of Two – How Smart Companies Create Win-Win Customer-Supplier Partnerships that Outperform the Competition / Carlo Cordon; Thomas W. Vollmann
9. Thinking, fast and slow / Daniel Kahneman (SOLGT)
10. Talent Wins – The New playbook for putting people first / Ram Charan; Dominic Barton; Dennis Carey
11. The Mind of the Leader – How to lead yourself, your people, and your organisations for extraordinary results / Rasmus Hougaard; Jacqueline carter
12. Change & Effect – Five Principles for Implementing Real Organisational Change / Michael Kræmmer; Henriette Divert
13. The Future of Management / Gary Hamel