John Buridan and Beyond: Topics in the Language Sc, Russell
John Buridan and Beyond: Topics in the Language Sc, Russell L. Friedman and Sten Ebbesen(ed), emne: sprog
Book Title: "John Buridan and Beyond: Topics in the Language Sciences, 1300– 1700"
Author: Edited by Russell L. Friedman and Sten Ebbesen
ISBN 87-7876-362-2
Publisher: Special-Trykkeriet Viborg a-s.
Year published: 2004
Cover portraits: John Buridan. Medieval drawing in ms Krakow, Biblioteka Jagiellonska, Thomas Hobbes.
Picture of unknown provenance. 1771: 142v. Courtesy of the Jagiellonian Library.
Pages: 275
Format: Paperback (hæftet)
Payment: MobilePay , cash (DKK), BTC
Language: English
Condition: perfect
" Whereas the impressive contributions made by John Buridan (d. after 1358) to medieval logic and linguistics are widely recognized today, his influence in the later Middle Ages and Early Modern period remains largely uncharted, as indeed does the development of the language sci ences more generally in that period. The eight articles and the introduc tory essay collected in this volume explore topics in logico-linguistic theory from Buridan in the fourteenth century through Hobbes and Vico in the seventeenth and eighteenth. The focus of the articles range from grammar and logic to epistemology and philosophical psychology, and in nearly every case they demonstrate the impact of Buridan’s ideas in the centuries following his death. Moreover, by investigating early modem thought against the backdrop of medieval ideas, the articles address the issue of the continuity or discontinuity of thought in this period on the border between medieval and modem, and indicate possible avenues of future research."