Samlekort, BASE to NEO Japanese Pokemon Kort Glimmer
Samlekort, BASE to NEO Japanese Pokemon Kort Glimmer
For sale is big lot of 378 oldschool Japanese Pokémon cards including a total of 37 holographic cards. The cards range from the first set released (Base Set) to the end of the Neo era (Neo Destiny) spanning approximately from 1996 to 2001. The collection for sale constitutes solely of unique cards. There are no duplicates - all unique cards! Beyond cards from the standard sets a small range of exclusively Japanese cards are included gathered from various promotional releases (plus a few artworks banned from English distribution as mentioned below).
The condition of the cards ranges from lightly played to heavily played with the greater amount falling somewhere in between that range. So kindly do not expect near mint cards. This is a great start off for binder sets aimed at “catching ‘em all”. Lots of nostalgia!
Base Set: 76 cards (17 trainers+7 energies) - including 4 holos rare (Blastoise, Clefairy, Magneton and Ninetales) and 2 rares.
Jungle: 26 cards (1 trainers) – including 4 holo rares (Electrode, Clefable, Wigglytuff and Pidgeot).
Fossil: 25 cards (3 trainers) - including 2 holo rares (Magneton and Kabutops)
Rocket Gang (Team Rocket): 31 cards (5 trainers) – including 4 holo rares (Dark Alakazam, Dark Sowbro, Dark Vileplume and Dark Dugtrio).
Gym Challenge + Gym Heroes + Gym theme decks: 73 cards (26 trainers) – including 7 holo rares (Rocket's Hitmonchan, Sabrinas Alakzam, Mistys Tentacruel, Lt. Surge's Magneton, Brock's Rhydon, Blaine's Arcanine and Koga's Beedrill), 2 rares)
Genesis: 69 cards (11 trainers) – including 8 holo rares (Jumpluff, Skarmory, Heracross, Meganium, Typhlosion, Feraligatr, Steelix and Kingdra), 4 rares and 1 exclusively Japanese card artwork banned from English distribution (Moo-moo Milk).
Discovery: 25 cards (2 trainers) – including 6 holo rares (Yanma, Houndour, Smeargle, Forretress, Hitmontop
Neo Revelation: 27 cards (1 trainer) –including 1 holo rare (Misdreavus)
Neo Destiny: 13 cards (4 trainers)
+13 Promos (billede 8)