ID: 27854
The Craft of Research, Corporate Strategy, PMBOK
Ingen tilbud er offentliggjort.
The Craft of Research, Corporate Strategy, PMBOK, Wayne Booth, Gregory Colomb, 2003 udgave
Kan godt snakker dansk, men bedre pa engelsk. :)
Three books for sale:
Exploring Corporate Strategy by Johnson and Scholes
The Craft of Research by Booth and Columb
Project Management body of knowledge (PMBOK guide)
Classic and authentic books that are useful at a university level as well as in the professional world. Personally I used them in writing research papers as well as leisure purposes.
Cost: PMBOK, DKK 300
ECS: DKK 300
CrR: DKK 200
Original prices are 2-3x more, prices and negotiable.
Please call for further info.